The gaze-opening treatment with neuromodulators allows for relaxation of the upper third facial musculature. With this treatment, we aim to prevent the formation of expression wrinkles and, in addition, achieve an opening of the gaze and lifting of the eyebrows, obtaining a less tired appearance. We perform it through small injections in the glabella, forehead, eyebrow tail, and crow’s feet.


Muscle relaxation begins at 48-72 hours and increases until 10-15 days. From one month onwards, the effect gradually decreases until the fourth month.


It is recommended to undergo the treatment 3 times a year.

Treatment time:

15 minutes.

What do I need to know?

It is important not to press the treated area for 48 hours, to avoid bending the head down, and to sleep face up for 48-72 hours. Bruising may occur.

Does it hurt?

It is virtually painless and does not require anesthesia.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Lip remodeling with hyaluronic acid allows us to hydrate, correct asymmetries, and/or increase lip volume if desired. In this way, we achieve a natural and harmonious appearance, enhancing our features.


They are immediately visible.


The duration varies from 8 to 12 months depending on the type of hyaluronic acid used and each patient.

Treatment time:

20 minutes.

What do I need to know?

It is normal to experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area after the treatment.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical anesthesia (in cream) and local cold to reduce discomfort during treatment.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.

Lip augmentation

On the day of the treatment

Clinical case

Lip harmonization

Clinical case

Subtle lip augmentation

Clinical case

Lip augmentation

Clinical case

Lip remodeling


Correction or filling of under-eye circles with hyaluronic acid is indicated in patients who have a groove or depression in the area, which gives them a tired appearance.

To reduce them, the application of hyaluronic acid specifically for that area is recommended, which allows us to restore freshness to the gaze and add some brightness.


They are immediately visible and will improve over the course of hours.


It varies from 9 to 12 months depending on each patient.

Treatment time:

20-30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

Bruising may appear. In the days following the treatment, you may wake up with the treated area slightly swollen or with some puffiness, which will decrease throughout the day and disappear within a few days.

Does it hurt?

It is virtually painless and does not require anesthesia.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.

Clinical case

Dark circles and under-eye bags.

Clinical case

Under-eye circle

Under-eye circles

Under-eye circle


The treatment with hyaluronic acid for the cheeks allows us to restore lost volume and provide support to the mid-face to achieve a harmonious face, improve the appearance of fatigue, and improve sagging in other areas of the face.


They are immediately visible.


It varies from 9 to 12 months depending on the type of hyaluronic acid used and each patient.

Treatment time:

20-30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

It is normal to experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area after the treatment.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so the discomfort is mild.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The nasolabial folds are those that define the transition between cheek, nose and mouth.

It is normal to have grooves to a certain degree, but over the years these are marked, giving us an appearance of tiredness or sadness.

By applying absorbable fillers (hyaluronic acid) to key tension points on both cheeks, we can indirectly improve the nasolabial folds, thus avoiding excess filling in that area. If after providing support (although it is not always necessary) they are still quite marked, we proceed to apply hyaluronic acid directly to that area with the help of a cannula.


They are immediately visible.


9-12 months depending on each case.

Treatment time:

30-45 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


With the application of a specific type of hyaluronic acid, we can improve the wrinkles that appear above the upper lip, commonly known as “barcode lip lines,” without altering the shape of the lip and without swelling the area.

These wrinkles can be accentuated by smoking or gesticulation, giving us a more aged appearance that we can improve with the help of absorbable fillers.


They are immediately visible.


The duration of the filling is usually 6 months, although it depends on each case.

Treatment time:

20 minutes.

What do I need to know?

It is normal to experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area after the treatment.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical anesthesia (in cream) and local cold to reduce discomfort during treatment.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Full face is a global facial treatment through facial fillers that enhances the harmony and beauty of the face by replenishing lost volumes and smoothing wrinkles and grooves that become more pronounced over time.

During the treatment we carry out infiltrations with resorbable products such as: hyaluronic acid, neuromodulators and Radiesse® type collagen stimulators.


Immediately visible.


8-12 months depending on the product.

Treatment time:

45-60 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal that there is inflammation, bruising and slight discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so the discomfort is mild.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The nose has a high aesthetic impact on the face and facial profile.

A very projected nose, or a drooping nasal tip could detract from the beauty of pretty faces.

With hyaluronic acid we can perform a rhinomodeling to smooth the nasal profile and simulate that there is less hump. In addition, the nasal tip can be worked on so that it does not fall so much with the gesture when smiling or blowing a kiss.

It is a treatment that generates high satisfaction in the patient and by removing prominence from the nose it brings a lot of elegance to the rest of the face.


Immediately visible.


9-12 months depending on each case.

Treatment time:

20 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Do you think that when you smile you show too much gum?

We call this a gummy smile. There are different degrees of severity, and in some severe cases, the person who suffers from it may stop smiling in photos or cover their smile with their hand when laughing, etc.

Sometimes, it gives us a forced smile look.

We can assess your case in consultation to soften it and have a more natural, relaxed smile and in harmony with your face, always maintaining your essence.

Among the treatments to be carried out in a gummy smile we find works with hyaluronic acid and also with neuromodulators.

Sometimes it is enough to treat the pink lip, but in many cases it requires a complete perioral approach, also treating other points.


Immediately visible.


12 months approximately.

Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The mandibular contour largely determines the definition of the facial oval. In both men and women, a strong jawline enhances attractiveness and gives us the appearance of youth.

The mandibular definition in the female face helps us to give firmness and improve flaccidity. In men, a well-defined and angular jaw translates into a more masculine face with character.

Mandibular marking can be done with both hyaluronic acid and Radiesse®. To achieve this, we first provide support at the mandibular and chin angles, and then we define the mandible’s rami to achieve a uniform and harmonious mandibular line.


They are immediately visible.


It varies from 9 to 12 months depending on each patient.

Treatment time:

40 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment, it is normal to experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort in the treated area, especially at the level of the chin.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical anesthesia (in cream) and local cold to reduce discomfort during treatment.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


To enhance masculine features, it is essential to mark the facial bone support, especially in the lower third.

At Clínica Alejandría we are experts in jaw and chin marking. In men, we design a chin with a wide and square base, with a well-projected and angular mandibular line and angle that are signs of masculinity.

In addition, we work on the cheekbones to provide the horizontal projection that characterizes the man.

To do this, we use a specific type of hyaluronic acid that simulates bone.

We care that the result is natural, you will feel more attractive and manly, but without losing your essence.


Immediately visible.


9-12 months depending on each case.

Treatment time:

30-45 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The chin is a key point on the face. In the case of men, we have already commented that we want it to be square, with a wide base and projection. In women, on the other hand, we want it to be thinner and more triangular so that it stylizes the facial oval by forming a triangle with the cheekbones.

When we look for female facial beauty, it is important that the lower lip is the protagonist in terms of volume, height and projection. That is to say, if we study the profile of a woman, the ideal proportions for achieving the sensuality of the female lip is for the lower lip to be more projected than the upper lip.

And what happens if we have a slightly projected chin or retrognathia? If this ideal proportion is inverted, we will have less projection in the lower lip due to lack of support in the chin, resulting in the upper lip being more projected in the profile. Additionally, this causes the aging process to accelerate in these individuals due to a lack of facial support. The tissues of the face are slack beforehand, the facial fat compartments collapse and the famous jowl or cocochas is marked.

Furthermore, we can enhance femininity by seeking chin triangulation and smoothing the labiomental groove, while also preventing aging by providing support to the oral commissures, which tend to droop with age and give a sad appearance.


Immediately visible.


9-12 months depending on each case.

Treatment time:

20 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The temporal hollows, also known as temples, lose volume with age and become increasingly sunken, giving the face a peanut or hourglass appearance that disrupts the harmony and transition of the facial contour.

This brings a more ghastly and aged look to the face.

We can harmonize the facial oval by filling these temporal pits with hyaluronic acid..

In addition, it is a treatment that helps to tighten and open the look.

It is interesting how patients who have one more sunken temporal hollow than the other, unconsciously style their hair with bangs towards the side of the more sunken temporal hollow because they feel it makes them look more attractive.


Immediately visible.


9-12 months depending on each case.

Treatment time:

20 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Under normal conditions our body uses sweat to maintain a constant body temperature.

Hyperhidrosis is uncontrollable and unpredictable excess sweating.

CAUSE: Most of the time there is no cause. A good clinical history is necessary to rule out some alterations that can cause it.

It causes a significant alteration in the quality of life.

TYPICAL AREAS: Appears in armpits, pubis and groin, palms and soles, craniofacial region.

We can help you by injecting a protein that will inactivate the sweat glands, thus decreasing sweat production with high efficiency.

It is applied through small pricks on the skin. In armpits it is a very well tolerated treatment and one of the most effective.


You begin to notice the improvement from the fourth day.


Between 4-6 months and with its repeated use the duration is prolonged. 2-3 sessions a year are enough.

Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for the area to feel somewhat irritated.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Bruxism is unconscious clenching of the teeth. It can occur at any age.

Despite its high prevalence, there are still many people who are unaware of the benefits of treating the jaw area with small injections of a neuromodulator that relaxes the muscles.

These injections are performed every 4-6 months and manage to reduce the force exerted by the chewing muscles. Thus, even though our brain involuntarily emits the signal to squeeze strongly, thanks to the treatment we will ensure that this excess of unnecessary force does not occur.

Treatment benefits:

-Improves night rest.

-Relief in the pain of the mandibular area, head, neck, ears.

-It helps prevent tooth wear and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

– The face refines, recovering the facial oval that was becoming more and more square.

In general, we recommend performing this treatment 2 or 3 times a year.

It is always important to diagnose and comprehensively approach the pathology with dentists, maxillofacial surgeons, physiotherapists, etc.


You begin to notice the improvement from the fourth day.


Between 4-5 months and with its repeated use the duration is prolonged. 2-3 sessions a year are enough.

Treatment time:

15 minutes.

What do I need to know?

Bruising may occur.

Does it hurt?

With only 3 pricks, we accompany you with a vibration so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Did you know that collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body? And from the age of 25 the formation of collagen begins to slow down?

Our skin with the loss of collagen loses quality, appearing sagging.

Radiesse is a powerful injectable and absorbable collagen stimulator composed of hydroxyapatite calcium microspheres suspended in an elastic gel. It is used in the lower third of the face to prevent and treat sagging skin.

It is a filler whose main function is to stimulate our skin to make collagen. In this way we create our own scaffolding to recover the forces of skin tension.

We use it when there is a need to revitalize the skin or when it is necessary to define or give structure to the facial contour.

It is not a filler designed to add volume as such, but rather to reinforce our own facial support points.

The tightening effect lasts for about a year. The final result will depend on the initial starting situation of each person.


Immediately visible.


12 months approximately.

Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We usually perform the procedure with a cannula, using local anesthesia at the entry points, so it is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


We can also inject vitaminized hyaluronic acid, not cross-linked, all over the face. This will provide us with a deep hydration of the skin, with a contribution of luminosity and juiciness to it.

This treatment does not reposition lost volumes, it does not improve flaccidity. It is indicated for young skin, already cared for, that seeks to enhance its skin.


Brighter, smoother and juicier skin.



Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Intense Pulsed Light is a treatment that aims to restore skin health by targeting photodamage or damage caused to the skin by the sun.

When our skin receives solar radiation, it defends itself by developing spots called solar lentigines, dilated blood vessels known as telangiectasias or couperose, and also damages the collagen in our skin, which is called solar elastosis. The result is blotchy, red, fine and wrinkled skin.

Sun damaged skin is aged looking skin. Therefore, by restoring health to the skin, we will also obtain rejuvenation.

Pulsed Light captures 3 targets:

1. Melanin, thus improving sun spots.

2. Hemoglobin, improve redness, small glasses.

3. Collagen, due to the deep heat effect on the skin, its own collagen is redensified, thus improving the quality of the skin.


Visible in 1 or 2 weeks.



Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After treatment, it is normal to see darkening of sun spots if you have them. If you have redness and dilated blood vessels, you may experience inflammation or edema in the middle third of the face, below the eyes. You may simply have a sunburned appearance and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We accompany the treatment with cold plates, so that the treatment is more bearable. You will feel intense light and intense heat during the session.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


Peeling or peeling, is the action and the result of peeling, of removing skin.

It consists of generating controlled damage to the epidermis and variable proportions of the dermis using a topical chemical agent.

The objective is to improve the quality of the treated areas. This controlled damage will produce tissue regeneration and remodeling of the epidermis and dermis.

One of the peels that we perform the most is the phenol peel. It is a medium peeling that manages to renew the skin, improving its tone and texture.


-Rejuvenation. Improvement of skin quality.

Hyperpigmentation, melasma, spots.

-Changes in texture: acne, scars.


Visible per week. We recommend doing it on a Wednesday or Thursday so that the peeling coincides with the weekend. Peeling is variable from one person to another and from one moment of life to another.



Treatment time:

20 minutes.

What do I need to know?

It should be left to act for 8-12 hours, and then rinsed off at home. The next day: tightness and darker color similar to a light tan. After 2-3 days: exfoliation begins around the perioral area, and continues through the rest of the treated areas, ending on the forehead. The exfoliation is maintained for 4-10 days.

Does it hurt?

It’s not painful. You may notice stinging, and a characteristic odor.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is a treatment that provides us with multiple benefits at the facial and capillary level, so much so that it is known as liquid gold.

It is a very safe treatment, suitable even for pregnant women, since the patient’s own plasma is injected.

The procedure is very simple: we will perform a blood draw in the clinic, which will then be placed in a centrifuge for 10 minutes in order to separate the portion of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP). This is the part that will be injected into the patient’s face or scalp under anesthesia.

PRP is rich in growth factors, so at the capillary level, it will promote hair growth and provide more vitality to the hair, being of great utility in conditions such as effluvium or alopecia.

At the facial level, we recommend it to those skins that are already cared for, but want an extra contribution of luminosity or a flash effect for an event.


Brighter, juicier and smoother skin. Stronger, thicker and denser hair.



Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The tension threads can be applied to the face, chin and neck.

The objective is to provoke a collagen stimulus in your skin that generates a tightening effect and improves its flaccidity.

In consultation, each case is analyzed. Sometimes we will recommend hyaluronic acid instead of thread lifts; or the combination of both treatments.


Immediately visible .


We recommend doing 2 sessions a year.

Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, so that the treatment is very bearable.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.


The CO2 laser is a powerful laser that is designed to improve the texture of the skin. Improves the enlarged pore, fine wrinkles, small spots, scars and blemishes. Controlled damage is generated in depth to the skin, to generate a powerful collagen stimulus.

During the session, although we apply anesthetic cream, you will feel an intense burning.

At the end you will see your skin very red, swollen, and you will feel burning and stinging.

It is recommended to stay at home applying plenty of reparative moisturizing cream. It is normal for small scabs to appear, which you will gradually detach and renew the skin.

It is very important that you do not get any sun.


You will recover your skin between 1 and 3 weeks after the treatment and you will see your skin better. But the collagen stimulation is slower. After months, your skin will feel even better.



Treatment time:

30 minutes.

What do I need to know?

After the treatment it is normal for there to be inflammation, bruising and mild discomfort in the treated areas.

Does it hurt?

We apply topical cream or local anesthesia, even so you feel intense burning during the session.

It is carried out the same day of the appointment, it does not require social or work leave.